Tag: Personal Injury Attorney

Burning Question Over Hoverboards

According to the New York Times, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is investigating hoverboards in an effort to confirm that they were in fact the source of 29 emergency room visits and at least 11 fires.  Airlines have already banned hoverboards and Amazon and Overstock.com will no longer sell some brands. There are at least […]

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How much is my personal injury case worth?

Every attorney, at some point in their career, will get a question from their prospective client which asks, How much is my case worth?  The answer is never simple, many factors going into the evaluation and the understanding of the case. The client’s type of injury and the amount of insurance available are some of […]

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‘Tis the Season to Shovel and Salt your Sidewalk

It isn’t technically even winter yet and we have already had two measurable winter storms in Chester County and Delaware County! Yikes! Are we in for three more months of this? If you live or own a business or other property in the area, then you are likely, at the very least,  loosely familiar with […]

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