DUI Attorney Media, PA
Getting a DUI in Media, PA is an intimidating and frightening experience. If this happens to you, you need to contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. You can be charged with DUI for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or for being suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Either way, you may face severe penalties and even jail time.
Driving under the influence is considered a severe offense in Media, PA, but sometimes people make mistakes. Our DUI lawyers are not here to judge you but to help you minimize the impact of your DUI charge while doing everything in their power to win the case. We will go to criminal court if needed to help you maintain your innocence and reduce the penalties. When you retain Giribaldi & Manaras PC, you can be sure that you’ve chosen the best legal representation you can obtain in Media, PA.
Serving clients in Delaware County, Chester County, Montgomery County, and throughout Greater Philadelphia, a PA DUI lawyer at Giribaldi & Manaras PC is ready to take care of your criminal charges. Contact us for free legal case evaluations today!

What to Know About DUI Cases in Media, PA?
There are serious consequences for a DUI conviction, including hefty fines, driver’s license suspension, and even jail time. When it comes to Delaware and Chester County, PA, the higher your BAC level, the greater the penalties you will face. It would be in your best interest to seek help from a criminal defense attorney to help you with your criminal conviction.
The police may ask you to undergo a blood-alcohol test to determine whether you have taken any controlled substances before operating your motor vehicle. This may come in the form of a breath test or urine test. It’s common for police to ask for a urine test if the results of the breath test are negative or below what’s expected. This is to determine whether or not there are drugs in your system. Even legally prescribed drugs can lead to a DUI if they impair your ability to drive.
Types of DUI in Media, PA & Penalties
DUI penalties increase with each subsequent conviction. You can also be charged with higher levels of the offense if you’re found to have a higher BAC level.
General Impairment (.08% to .099% BAC)
A first DUI is an ungraded misdemeanor. Thus, you may face a $300 fine, up to six months probation, mandatory alcohol highway safety school, and alcohol treatment possibly required.
A second DUI is an ungraded misdemeanor. You may face fines ranging from $300 to $2,500, up to six months of jail time, one-year license suspension, attendance in an alcohol treatment program, mandatory alcohol highway safety school, and installation of an ignition interlock device for one year.
A third or subsequent DUI is a second-degree misdemeanor. If charged, you could face fines from $500 to $5,000, up to two years in jail, a one-year license suspension, an ignition interlock device for a year, and potentially alcohol treatment.
High Impairment (.10% to .159% BAC)
If your BAC level is .10 to 0.159%, for a first DUI, you may face fines from $500 to $5,000, a one-year license suspension, up to six months in jail, and a mandatory alcohol highway safety school. Separately, for a second DUI, you may need to pay fines from $750 to $5,000, face jail time from 30 days to six months, mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device for a year, and mandatory alcohol highway safety school.
Respectively, a third or subsequent DUI is considered a first-degree misdemeanor. You may face an 18-month license suspension, up to one and five years in prison, fines ranging from $1,500 to $10,000, and an ignition interlock device for one year. Alcohol treatment may also be required.
Highest Impairment (.16% BAC and higher)
If you have been caught driving or being in control of a motor vehicle with a BAC level of .16% or above or a controlled substance, you may face severe penalties. For a first DUI, you will face fines from $1,000 to $5,000, jail time from three days to six months, mandatory alcohol highway safety school, and license suspension for a year.
A second DUI is a first-degree misdemeanor, and if convicted, you may need to spend 90 days to five years in jail, pay fines from $1,500 to $10,000, and have an ignition interlock device installed for a year. Moreover, your driver’s license will be suspended for 18 months, and you will undergo mandatory alcohol highway safety school.
Finally, a third or subsequent DUI charge comes with an 18-month license suspension, fines ranging from $2,500 to $10,000, jail time between one and five years, an ignition interlock device for one year, and an alcohol treatment course possibly required.
Learn Our Criminal Defense Strategy
If you have encountered a DUI arrest, it is vital to seek legal help from a PA DUI attorney. Our legal team can handle any criminal case, ensuring to minimize your penalties or dismiss your case entirely. We will build a solid DUI defense by challenging and reviewing some evidence against you.
Some common defenses strategies that our attorneys use include:
- Probable cause for the stop is lacking
- BAC testing was performed improperly
- The BAC operator was not properly certified
- The BAC equipment was faulty or improperly maintained
- The police made a procedural error, like failing to inform you of the implied consent law after arrest or told you that you are required to perform roadside exercises.
If you are currently facing criminal charges or think you might be the subject of an investigation, contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. Regardless of your legal needs, we are here for you! Contact Giribaldi & Manaras today for a free consultation!
Contact a Media, PA DUI Lawyer at Giribaldi & Manaras PC
The Giribaldi & Manaras PC team aims to make you feel comfortable and safe while building a solid criminal defense case for you. In every state, the legal limit for impairment is a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08. That means that if you have a BAC level of 0.08 or above, you are considered impaired and subject to being arrested for driving under the influence.
You don’t have to fight by yourself, regardless of how minor your criminal charges may be. Visit us at one of our law offices to discuss your DUI case, or call us at (610)753-4529 for a free initial consultation.