Tag: Lawyers
Workers’ compensation insurance is meant to provide wage loss and medical benefits to workers who are injured in the course and scope of their employment. Who really pays? A recent study reveals that seventy-nine percent (79%) of the billions of dollars spent on work place injuries and illnesses are actually paid by employer-provided health insurance, Medicare, Social Security, […]
Learn MoreGiribaldi & Manaras, P.C. is Looking for Delaware Valley Non-Profit Groups
As mentioned in a recent press release, Giribaldi & Manaras, P.C., is looking for a local non-profit organization or charity to sponsor for 2012-13. Over the past three years, the firm has contributed funding as well as time to various organizations throughout the Delaware Valley. Specifically, Giribaldi & Manaras, P.C. has been active in helping the […]
Learn MoreExpungement Your DUI Record
Any first offense for which you qualify for ARD, you are eligible for an expungement in the state of Pennsylvania. However, in Delaware County, you are required to file a petition for expungement. If you fail to do so, your DUI or any other crime may stay on your record. As such, schools and/or future employers will […]
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