It’s Accident Season! Better Know a Lawyer.

If you talk with any one in the auto repair or towing business, you will hear quickly that this winter has been one that has yielded near record volume for folks who tow and repair damaged cars and trucks. The ice and snow, potholes and usual activity from deer have produced more than enough accidents in Delaware County to keep auto body repair shops busy for months.

They are not the only ones being kept busy from all of these mishaps on the roads. Insurance companies have been tasked with managing claims and logging the details from the many accidents we hear about on the news each morning, afternoon and evening. Remember, it is their job to pay out as little as possible in cases of auto or any other accident. Be sure to have someone on your side should you be involved in an accident this season on the roads. If you need assistance after an automobile accident, especially if you have suffered injuries, give us a call at 610-891-8303.